Duane P. Snyder is the person who found and preserved the three pieces of this ice meteorite. Duane then went on over a period of ten years to have the particles found in the meltwater of the Ice Meteorite analyzed. In doing so Duane was amazed to find life forms.

The analysis of the particles prove that the ice is an ice meteorite. These particles are not differentiated, their elements remain undifferentiated.

Even though it can be said that these Ice Meteorites may be contaminated with Earth life forms because the ices hit the pavement, it can be proved that the life forms found in the meltwater of these Ices are extra-terrestrial life forms in a number of ways. The first method of proof can be age dating, since the life forms have been frozen in ice, they may be very old, perhaps hundreds or thousands of years old, carbon dating was looked at, but there needed to be larger amounts of carbon to do this analysis. If the life forms were older than the pavement that the ices impacted, it would have proven them to be extra-terrestrial. Another method of proving that these life forms are extra-terrestrial is by RNA and DNA Analysis. RNA analysis of these lifeforms may show these lifeforms are hyperthermophiles and necessarily living near high-pressure high-temperature black smokers on the bottom of an ocean. This will add to the proof that these lifeforms are indeed extraterrestrial lifeforms. We do not have this expertise, but we will pursue this course of analysis as the opportunity arises. A third method of proving that these life forms are extra-terrestrial is by removing the outer ice and examining the ice core of one of the two large pieces of this Ice meteorite. If there are any life forms in the core, they did not get there due to contamination of hitting the Earth and therefore are extra-terrestrial life forms. The life forms that we photographed were in the ice meteorite, not on the ice meteorite. We choose not to melt Ice Meteorite number one in order to prevent the loss of valuable information and knowledge. We admit we do not have the tools, expertise, or facilities to accomplish the best analysis of these ice meteorites.

Enceladus is the only known orbiting body having a mechanism capable of launching chuncks of ice out of its gravitional influence and orbit.

1) It is our opinion that the ice meteorite may be from Saturn's moon Enceladus. A gas analysis of the gases in the core of Ice meteorite number two was accomplished in the year 2001. The results of this gas analysis matchs the results found in NASA's Cassini spacecraft's fly-through of the ice/water geyser plumes of Saturn's moon Enceladus on october 9, 2008. Our gas analysis does indicate some argon as is also found in NASA's gas analysis of the water/ice plumes of Saturn's moon Enceladus.

2) It is our opinion that these photos are photos of anaerobic extra-terrestrial sea life forms and pieces of extra-terrestrial sea life forms.

3) It is our opinion that hydrothermo vents do exist at the bottom of an ocean covered by ice on Saturn's moon Enceladus and that these hydrothermo vents provide the necessary conditions for these extraterrestrial sea life forms to exist.

4) We provide photos of the three pieces of the Ice meteorite, particles and extraterrestrial life forms found in the meltwater of Ice meteorite number 2.

5) We provide analysis reports of the particles found in the meltwater of the Ice Meteorite number 2.

6) We will provide updates and identifications as we can.

7) We provide 2 SNYDER CHALLENGES so that others may have the opportunity to prove us wrong.

OUR MISSION is to bring to the publics attention the NEWS of this Amazing, Fortunate, Valuable, Informative Find. IT IS THE ROSETTA STONE OF LIFE.

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